We can’t leave fiction alone—the Roz Morris interview
After-Dinner Wine-Induced
Fiction Editors’ Wrestling Match
Part II

In case you didn’t see last week’s post, I’ve been trying to interview Roz Morris, aka @dirtywhitecandy. She’s the author of eleven ghostwritten novels, eight of them best sellers, owner of Nail Your Novel fiction-writing blog and author of her own self-published book on fiction techniques, Nail Your Novel. She… Read more“<em>We can’t leave fiction alone</em>—the Roz Morris <del datetime="2011-01-17T22:41:19+00:00">interview</del> <br>After-Dinner Wine-Induced <br>Fiction Editors’ Wrestling Match <br><em>Part II</em>”

Designing or not designing your books
for publishing trends

Dear A. Victoria Mixon, Editor: Quick question (this one’s been plaguing me for years!)— How much consideration do we writers put toward the length of each work? I’m currently refreshing my intensive outline (for a young adult serious fantasy saga). The more I work on this, the more I realize… Read more“Designing or not designing your books <br>for publishing trends”

Still Interviewing Independent Editor & Critiquer
Roz Morris aka @dirtywhitecandy

I know. She’s absolutely hilarious, isn’t she? And she’s got even more value-add than that! She’s also a ghostwriter, and on Monday she’s going to tell us how she got into that line of work, plus what she’s working on now, plus why she’s not going to have herself frozen… Read more“Still Interviewing Independent Editor & Critiquer <br>Roz Morris aka @dirtywhitecandy”

We can’t leave fiction alone—the Roz Morris interview
After-Dinner Wine-Induced
Fiction Editors’ Wrestling Match
Part I

Roz Morris goes by the online moniker @dirtywhitecandy, which all by itself is reason enough to interview her. But on top of that she’s also a ghostwriter with eleven novels under her belt, eight of them best sellers, a critiquer for a London manuscript-critiquing agency, owner of the fiction-writing blog… Read more“<em>We can’t leave fiction alone</em>—the Roz Morris <del datetime="2011-01-17T22:41:19+00:00">interview</del> <br>After-Dinner Wine-Induced <br>Fiction Editors’ Wrestling Match <em><br>Part I</em>”

Interviewing Independent Editor & Critiquer Roz Morris, aka @dirtywhitecandy

Roz Morris of Nail Your Novel and I have been bouncing nonsense tweets off each others’ foreheads on Twitter, while sharing behind-the-scenes fellowship in this wonderful craft of editing fiction, for some time now. So when we both turned up as finalists for the Top 10 Blogs for Writers a… Read more“Interviewing Independent Editor & Critiquer Roz Morris, aka @dirtywhitecandy”

The 2 Guaranteed Ways to Ruin Your Novel

This ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this ain’t no fooling around No time for dancing, or lovey dovey. I ain’t got time for that now— —“Life During Wartime” David Byrne, Talking Heads So. . .I just had a disturbing week. Way back in December, right before my vacation,… Read more“The 2 Guaranteed Ways to Ruin Your Novel”

Top 10 Blog for Writers

Remember when I asked you guys whom you’d like to see in the Top 10 Blogs for Writers of 2010/2011 at Write to Done? And some of you said, “Justin Bieber”? Just kidding. I don’t even know who Justin Bieber is (only that his name crops up everywhere). No—many of… Read more“Top 10 Blog for Writers”

11 New Year’s Resolutions for Writers in 2011

I will watch the world every day with the eyes of a fly. I’m assuming you know what flies’ eyes look like. But in case you don’t, think of disco balls with independent locomotion. You, personally, are walking through this incredibly vivid, visual, aural, tactile universe all day long every… Read more“11 New Year’s Resolutions for Writers in 2011”